Strategic Human Resources Management for Southeast Asian Universites (HR4ASIA)
The main objective of this project - Strategic Human Resources Management for Southeast Asian Universites (HR4ASIA) - is support the Asian Universities reforming by advancing Human Resources Management System.
This project is coordinated by University of Danang (Vietnam) and others six Asian universities are partner and two European Universities and Agora Institute.
The University of Évora is one of the partner in this project and we are responsible to prepare one benchamarking visit and two workshops, participate actively in others activities of the project, such: answer to the survey to develop a report to express a comparative study in human resources policies, present communications in the two conference, and write some case studies in human resources managament.
Additionally we are working in a direct relation with all Asian Universities partner to support there Human Resources Strategic Plan.
Period of the project: November 2017 until October 2019.
Evora team (that participate in some or in majority of activities):
- Professor Paulo Resende da Silva
- Professora Margarida Saraiva
- Professora Fátima Jorge
- Professor Rui Quaresma
- Drª Cesaltina Frade
- Eng. Joaquim Godinho
- Drª Ana Paixão
- Drª Cláudia Zacarias
- Drª Suzete Rico
Project number: 573946-EPP-1-2016-1-VN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein